
Repost: Vaccinated Covid Patients Fill Hospitals

Original Report.

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More Horrifying Stories About the Jab

Read them here.

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Repost: Dr. McCullough: Five key facts about COVID

Listen to this.  Short video.  Very important.

Original Post.

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Tragic, Tragic Event – Cruelty

Read it here.  Donate.  Help.  Sign the petition.  Fax.

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Repost: BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Covid Injections are Poisonous Bioweapons

Original Post.


Here is a small amount of the beginning of the video transcribed. It is recommended that you listen to the video itself. Also, if you go to the original post, any links listed with the original post will be found there.

When they said that they wanted to go and inject children whose natural immune system is superior than any vaccine or product could be, I mean their natural response you couldn’t make something statistically or clinically superior to that, that is when a red flag went off and I thought I would just start investigating more of the data that I could find online from the updated filing as well as some of the studies that were done to just prove that it wasn’t necessary for children to get injected and when I found the patent I was very alarmed because they didn’t read as a vaccine, they read as a bioweapon basically. Then I went back and I found some of the original studies where they used bat corona viruses and spike…they created these chimeric superviruses….

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Important Post on Mandatory Shots

Also, here is a link to religious exemption documents, courtesy of Gab.

These are important resources.  Pass them on.

Please realize, if you don’t already, that valuable information is banned on social media.  If you are reading these articles, you must pass them onto friends and family if you want them to have this information.

This type of information is not readily available except by word-of-mouth or online word-of-mouth.

Be part of the solution for someone else.  Pass good information onto them.


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From GAB: Religious Exemption Documents

GAB has listed a link to Religious Exemption Documents for the jab.

Click here to find them.

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