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The Dr. Ardis videos discuss hospital protocols and things people should know.

Dr. Andreas Noack, a chemist, pointed out something not visible in a petri dish.

Dr. Ardis Video

Another Dr. Ardis Video

Dr. Andreas Noack Talk

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Repost from Infowars re: Benefits of Ivermectin





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Repost from Infowars re: Liability

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Reposted from Infowars: Shots Should Never Have Been Mandated




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Repost from Infowars re: mRNA Vaccines and the Meat Supply

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Repost from Infowars re: “‘Irresponsible and Unethical'”

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Repost from LifeSiteNews re: Unlawful invasive test

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Repost from Infowars re: Covid Shots Trigger Hepatitis

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