
Repost: UK’s Pfizer report reveals SHOCKING VACCINE INJURIES and deaths from the covid jab

Read the article here.

Quote: Did you know if you die one hour after getting a Covid vaccine, the doctors and hospitals will not blame the vaccine? They just run a PCR test (nearly always false-positive result) and declare that the victim died of Covid, adding that the vaccine did not have time to take effect (2 weeks is the claim, meaning you’re officially ‘unvaccinated’), with no comments about the experimental, deadly, blood-clotting stab the patient just received an hour ago, or even a few days ago.


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Repost: Virginia Man develops Terminal Cancer After Vaccine

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Repost: Countdown to ZERO IMMUNITY… vaccine victims are seeing their immune response drop by about 5% each week, with long-term consequences mirroring AIDS

Read the article here at Natural News.

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Repost: Doctors who criticize covid vaccines risk having medical licenses stripped away by authoritarian licensing boards

Original post here.

Quote:  “Informed consent has been disregarded and medical necessity is not considered,” warns Dr. Vladmir Zelenko, a Nobel Prize-winning physician, about the Chinese Virus injection scam.

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Repost: Former Pfizer VP says there is “clear evidence of fraud” concerning 95% covid vaccine efficacy claim

Read the article here at Natural News.

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Repost: NBA Player Takes Covid Vaccine: Can Never Play Basketball Again

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Repost: This ENDS When We All Say NO!!!

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