Just Say No
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Informed women REJECT sex with vaccinated men to protect themselves from spike protein bioweapons
Fraud from Early On
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FRAUD FROM DAY ONE: Stunning new report notes that COVID vaccines NEVER prevented spread of the virus
Adding Covid Jabs “is corruption”
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CDC vote to add covid jabs to childhood immunization schedule “is corruption,” says Dr. Robert Malone
Connect the Dots: “If I die, you were right.”
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World-class veteran bodybuilder Doug Brignole dies of “unknown causes” after getting Moderna Covid jab and advising the world to avoid all the anti-vax “fearmongers”
Modern Day Child Sacrifice
To be blunt…you need to know this so you don’t inadvertently murder your own children, by listening to, and following people who either are ignorant themselves or who don’t have the courage to stand up to the globalists. In the end, you and your children become the “road kill” and bear the “risk” for decisions made on the basis of greed, power, and the worship of mammon and Baal. Don’t become a casualty or collateral damage in a war by ignorance.
Read the article at Natural News by clicking the link below.
CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”
Lies and Corruption
Read the article at Natural News by clicking the link below.