Repost: Proof The COVID Vax is Designed To KILL!
Original video.
This is only a partial, imperfect transcription of a medley of comments from various sufferers. Listen to the original video.
A word of warning to you my fellow Americans…
The second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is no joke…
I had the Covid booster Moderna about 4 or 5 days ago and I am still feeling wild side effects from it…
It made me feel worse than I’ve felt in a long time…
Like I had the worse flu in the world and extreme shortness of breath…
I just felt so bad…
Dizziness, fatigue…
Shaking, chills, fever…
Extremely irrational thinking…
Aches, headaches…
It has just been devastating…
Just felt miserable…
…chronic pain, I lost the use of my hands for about 3 weeks, the vaccine took my immune system and just shook it around again…
In Orange County an x-ray technician has died after getting the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine…
…got the second Moderna shot on a Monday, by Thursday morning they were in the ER…
She got sick right away…
The death of the youngest daughter, Cassidy, came out of nowhere, 4 days after her second dose of the Covid vaccine…
Everybody from her work had kind of flu like symptoms….
There’s a report from the NYT that there is a severe…
Patriotic doctor in Missouri, works at nursing home, wants to comment on Covid vaccine….So I’m family medicine trained…I work in nursing homes…I have had 21 patients verified that died within 48 hours of getting the first or second vaccine….
She was healthy, happy, active, the greatest mom you ever saw in your life, then she was so sick that…in less than 12 hours incapcitated and on life support and then she passed…
When you get the spike protein antibody in your system, it will permanently and irreversably change your immune system. When you inject this shot that has this…coating on the outside of it, that is what is leading to…shock and death. I think we are going to see massive injuries and a lot more deaths start somewhere between four and 18 months from now….
…Maddie immediately felt pain at the induction site, and over the next 24 hours, she developed extreme abdominal and chest pain and the way she described…
The 35 year old wife and mother of four died “as the result of complications…”
Mom 45 who got job at John Hopkins hospital dies….
Most people that die, they take their facebooks down.
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