Shedding or Transmission
This is only a very partial transcription of an interview with Dr. Tenpenny. You have to listen to the audio to hear the complete information.
Link to the audio.
Something is being transmitted that is causing horrible problems…we really don’t know what it is yet…possibly the spike protein or something with the messenger rna…we don’t know what it is…how long it lasts…some think it is transmitted by frequency…5G picks up resonate frequency…what do I do to protect myself? We’re not sure…Why do they call it a vaccine? …It is a word we use for multiple generations…so they co-opted that word to call these genetically modification tools…which we call shots…re-educate the language…these are not vaccines, it is something totally experimental…shedding…What is it and is it a concern?…words have power and definitions mean something…live virus vaccines can literally shed…with these shots we are not injecting a live virus…we are injecting laboratory generated messenger rna…double stranded dna…it’s not really shedding but we do know that something is being transmmitted…the last time I looked there were over 11,000 reports of women who had not received the shots…not necessary close personal contact…people they worked with…hairdressers that were not injected…these women are having horrific bleeding…some in the 70’s. They are starting to bleed and they have bled so much they have lost 2/3 of their blood volume…22 month old girls passing clots the size of eggs…we also know the bleeding tendencies of whatever is being transmitted…something is being transmitted that is causing horrible problems…all 4 of those shots, the end result is to make a spike protein…We don’t know what it is, we don’t know how long it lasts…what do I do to protect myself? We’re not sure. A lot of it is to stay away from people and if you are going to be sitting close to people, wear long sleeves and long pants…Something is happening and we are not sure what to do but to keep your immune system and spiritual guard up…we did a webinar…saw these numbers going through the roof…Instagram…Facebook…took down the page…3 weeks ago started talking about this…people want specific answers…we don’t know yet…it’s a little bit disturbing…if this really is a frequency we need to fight back…the Bible says pray without ceasing…I believe God can heal all things…right now there is nothing in the biochemistry and electromagnetic world…most importantly at the top of that list is prayer….
Repost: Dr. Ardis Exposes Deadly Dangers of Fauci’s Covid Protocols
Original Video Here.
This is a partial transcription of the above interview with guest host Stew Peters on Infowars, interview Dr. Bryan Ardis.
This interview is not 100% complete or perfect. For that, you will have to listen to the full interview, which is recommended to do.
[Stew Peters] Take us through your story and why you’re here….
I’m Dr. Bryan Ardis, I’ve been a holistic healer since 2004,…what you’ve been told medically is not always true…[Stew Peters] Take us through your father-in-law, what you know is there…[Dr. Bryan Ardis] February 2020, early February, 2020, my father-in-law walked into a hospital in Dallas, Texas, with a fever and a headache, totally independent living. They actually diagnosed him with the flu, put him on three antibiotics which was actually horrible, antibiotics don’t treat a virus. One of those actual drugs is called [drug name]…By Day 1 they started treatment, By Day 2 they told us he developed pneumonia. By Day 3 they told us he was now in acute kidney failure. Just so you know [names drug] causes acute kidney failure which it started doing on Day 1. Day 1 to Day 2. He did not have pneumonia, he actually developed pulmonary edema which is water filling up in your lungs when you shut down someone’s kidneys with a drug which [drug name] is known to do. They over a 9 day period shut down my father-in-law’s kidneys, leading to his lungs filling with water, eventually by Day 5 his brain filled with water and he went unconscious, by Day 9 they put him on a morphine drip and poisoned him over a 4-hour period, overdosed him on morphine to paralyze his diaphram and his heart and killed him. They actually murdered him with hospital protocols. Now I did not sit back and think this was okay. I battled with them, every doctor, the nurses’ station, the board, every day from Day 5, 6, and 7, and I was eventually kicked out by security on Day 7. They weren’t allowing me there to challenge everything they were doing, but they flat out murdered him…In May and June, after being furious about my father-in-law being murdered by an ill-advised hospital protocol which really did murder him, I’m watching in the news, the New York hospitals and administrators stating that when we start treating Covid-19 patients, very soon after starting treatment, the virus starts attacking the kidneys and causing acute kidney failure and we need not only ventilators which we’re short on, we also need dialysis machines which we’re also short on, and they kept stating, we’ve never seen a virus do this before. And I immediately wanted to know, well, what are they doing to treat these patients, I just watched a drug cause acute kidney failure and kill my father-in-law. In May and June we were reporting in the news that there were more deaths in one day in America than the entire pandemic. No other country had more deaths than we did so I wanted to know, well, what’s America doing. The CDC website directed all people, including me, to the NIH’s website and on that website was Anthony Fauci’s mandate on how we are going to treat all Covid-19 patients in American hospitals and clinics. It actually recommended a drug that I’d never heard of called [names drug] and was badmouthing hydroxychloroquine…Now I didn’t know anything about [names drug], neither did any of the drug, the actual doctors in the country, nobody knew about it either because it was never FDA approved and never in use because it was danger but Anthony Fauci on the NIH’s website, stated there were two studies supporting using [names drug] only in this novel Corona-virus pandemic. One was the Ebola study in 2018, in Africa, which [drug name] was used then…then he stated the second actual study done by …the manufacturer…so I clicked the links to both of them, the Ebola study is referenced in the New England Journal of Medicine…there were four experimental drugs in that study…and what they actually stated in the study was that half way through the study was that [drug name] had the highest mortality rate of all four experimental drugs with Ebola patients, so the safety board pulled [drug name] from the study because it was killing more people…they also pulled the NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci’s experimental drug…they pulled both of them because both of them had the highest death rate with all these people in Africa with Ebola….
Repost: Covid-19 Injections Causing Brain Trauma Deaths, Says Top Brain Surgeons
Original video here.
Here is a transcription of this report given by Alex Jones at It is not a 100% complete or perfect. You will have to listen to the original for the full report.
As always, and as is mentioned in the report, Google, Facebook, Twitter and the media giants, hide or censor these reports. If you want your friends and relatives to know of consequences to the vaccines, you have to forward this information. They may not find out any other way.
[Alex Jones] These articles…mom, 45, who got a job at John Hopkins hospital dies in John Hopkins Hospital after she got the second shot. And they said, yeah, vaccine reaction swoll her brain until all the blood vessels popped and it was a long, horrifyingly painful death the family said. She went from being in great shape and totally happy to being deader than a doornail within a few days of taking the injection. Oh, here’s another one, beautiful young Italian girl killed by vaccine, brain surgeon, renowned brain surgeon said he’s never seen a brain look like this. I’ve never seen anything like this. Goes onto describe it as the worst thrombosis and neurological trauma. It crushed her brain. They had to remove her skull, the top of her skull off, she still died. So she’s in there, the top of her skull off….never seen a brain swell like this…I’m going to say something very calmly here on air right now on this live Friday, July 9 broadcast and I’m just going to let this just sink in for everybody. I have a stack of news articles, without even looking, I mean if I wanted to I’d find 100 more, I have a stack of news articles here with renowned emergency brain surgeons in the United States and in Italy and in Australia, without even looking, it’s just in the news that brain trauma surgeons are saying they’ve never seen brains look like this, swollen, bloody messes, holes, eaten in all the tissue, liquification, and now let’s let this next part sink in. Google, Facebook, Twitter and all the usual criminal suspects are blocking that information and saying that’s not from the UN. Did you see the old reports in the 80’s, they had the cop killer bullets that would shoot through vests and they would see doctors and trauma doctors, “I’ve never seen a bullet shoot through things like this and cause so much damage,” so they banned those bullets just on the word of some doctors for some bullets supposed to be deadly, but the point is, is that now the most trusted people come out and say this is eating the brains and it is in the literature it does it and it is in all the studies and holding America and the world under water, drowning us, killing us is Big Tech hiding this. And I got another article right here. YouTube caught autosensoring comments that criticize the Chines Communist Party. Well of course they do. And then they get up there in front of Congress and say, oh, we don’t censor anybody, but then they censor everywhere and the left calls for more censorship and for my show to be taken off the air along with Tucker Carlson. It’s such an incredible time, I mean, look at these articles, Mom, 45, who got a job at John Hopkins hospital dies in John Hopkins hospital after she got the second shot…And they’re killing everybody right in front of us and testing to see what we’ll do. Because they know that we will adapt by not overcoming. We will adapt by submitting. They’ve got us in that captured learned helplessness…This is an incredible time to be alive ladies and gentlemen. I haven’t even gotten into the stack. They’ve got people in Australia, the US, uhh, Italy, all saying the same thing. The brains are bloody messes. The lungs are shredded like somebody shot them with a shot gun, one doctor described, I’ve never seen anything like it. They say over and over, the autopsies, the autopsies…the hearts swelling up. If you’re 20 and it swells up you can die, some have, but if you’re 70 and got a lot of plaque, your heart swells, arteries, close…and you’re dead…and now the Feds have announced forced innoculations. Stay with us.